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Opening of International Internship: RMIT Psychology Intensive Program

Humas Fapsi – The international internship program is organized by RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) and the Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Padjadjaran (Fapsi Unpad). In this program, several Fapsi Unpad students have been recruited to partner with RMIT students during their in-country (offline) internship in Jakarta and Bandung/Jatinangor. This internship program runs from Saturday, August 20 – Saturday, September 3, 2022.

RMIT is a public university located in Melbourne, Australia. The RMIT group arrived in Jakarta on August 20, 2022, to attend the opening of the international internship program at Fapsi Unpad on August 24, 2022. The RMIT group arrived at Fapsi Unpad at 10:00 AM WIB / 1:00 PM AEST and were immediately directed to gather at Building 3, 3rd Floor, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Padjadjaran. While there, they enjoyed morning coffee (snacks, tea, coffee, and more). The event then continued with the opening by the MC, Miranda Putri. Next, Mrs. Zahrotur Rusyda Hinduan, MOP., Ph.D., Psychologist, as the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Padjadjaran, formally welcomed the participants. The total number of participants in this event was 12 RMIT students and 7 Fapsi Unpad students. As the Head of the Internationalization Unit, Mrs. Asteria Devy Kumalasari, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D., Psychologist, explained the activities that would take place on the opening day.

After Mrs. Aster’s explanation, the participants were taken downstairs to Plaba for an ice-breaking session, guided by Nadiva Marsha, Arum Kusuma Wardhani, and Alya Tasmira. The ice-breaking activity called “Hello, How Are You?” involved participants asking each other about themselves. Then, the participants were divided into three groups and did a second ice-breaking activity, which was introducing their teams with an analogy. After the ice-breaking session, the participants were given a tour of Fapsi Unpad, including Building 2, Building 1, and back to Building 3 for lunch and a break.

At 12:45 PM WIB / 3:45 PM AEST, the participants gathered again to continue the event. The participants rode the Odong-Odong (local transportation owned by Universitas Padjadjaran) for a tour around the university, specifically to the Rectorate Building and Bale Tatanen at the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran (Faperta Unpad). Additionally, the participants took part in a competition where they had to take three photos at each location involving strangers present at those locations.

At the Rectorate Building, the participants dispersed according to their groups and started taking photos according to their pre-discussed concepts. Some took pictures with security guards, while others took photos with other students around the area. Then, the participants rode the Odong-Odong to the next location, Bale Tatanen. Bale Tatanen is a greenhouse and production site owned by Faperta Unpad, where they grow vegetables and fruits and process them into juice and salad for sale. Besides taking photos and getting products, the participants also had the opportunity to pick lettuce and take it home.

After the tour, the participants returned to the Fapsi Unpad building, specifically Building 3, 3rd Floor, to present their photos. The committee then determined the winners: Group 3 won 1st place, Group 2 won 2nd place, and Group 1 won 3rd place. The award presentation by the committee concluded the event. However, this was only the opening of the RMIT Psychology Intensive Program 2022 (TSN/RA/NAHP).