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The Faculty of Psychology actively supports its alums by providing a comprehensive range of services to assist them in their post-graduate endeavors. These services actively ensure alums continue to receive the necessary support they need, whether for academic, professional, or administrative purposes.

Alumni Services

Alumni Services

The Faculty of Psychology at Unpad tailors various services to meet its alums's most frequently requested needs. These services include:
  1. Legalization of Diplomas and Transcripts
  2. Recommendations for Further Studies or Other Purposes
  3. Verification of Educational Background by Employers
  4. Certificates of Accreditation for Padjadjaran University and the Faculty of Psychology’s Study Programs

Legalization of Diplomas and Transcripts

Legalization of Diplomas and Transcripts

To meet the diverse needs of alums, the Faculty of Psychology at Unpad offers both physical and digital legalization of diplomas and transcripts. The following outlines the process for requesting legalization:
  1. Alums can request the legalization of diplomas and transcripts by:
    • Submitting copies of their diploma and transcript by visiting the Faculty of Psychology at Unpad Jatinangor to obtain physical legalization or sending copies of their diploma and transcript via courier service to receive physical legalization.
    • Sending an email to the Academic Sub-Section of the Faculty of Psychology to Ahmad Sonjaya at for digital legalization.
  2. The legalization process typically takes one to three business days.
  3. Once legalized, the documents can be collected from the Academic Sub-Section or sent via courier service. The recipient will bear courier fees.

For more detailed information, please contact Ahmad Sonjaya via email at


Recommendations for Further Studies or Other Purposes

Recommendations for Further Studies or Other Purposes

Alums pursuing further studies or other endeavors require recommendation letters from faculty members and the leadership of the Faculty of Psychology. Sometimes, these recommendation letters may require formal legal signatures, such as letterhead and official stamps from the Faculty of Psychology, along with other formalities, including submitting these documents via the Faculty's official email address.
For such recommendation purposes, alums can email the Secretariat of the Faculty of Psychology at Unpad at

Verification of Educational Background

Verification of Educational Background

In many instances, employers and organizations require formal verification of alums' educational background, typically in the form of diploma verification. Employers and organizations seeking such verification can email the Secretariat of the Faculty of Psychology at Unpad at

Certificates of Accreditation for Padjadjaran University and the Faculty of Psychology's Study Programs

Certificates of Accreditation for Padjadjaran University and the Faculty of Psychology's Study Programs

Alums can download the following accreditation certificates according to their needs:

Keep in Touch

Keep in Touch

For further information regarding alums, please visit the following channels of the Ikatan Alumni Psikologi Unpad (IKAPSI Unpad):